Christina Cilento Archives - Center for Climate and Energy Solutions Our mission is to secure a safe and stable climate by accelerating the global transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and a thriving, just, and resilient economy. Thu, 29 Jun 2023 19:45:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Christina Cilento Archives - Center for Climate and Energy Solutions 32 32 Securing Louisiana’s Role in the Offshore Wind Industry Thu, 29 Jun 2023 17:26:05 +0000 Decades of experience in offshore energy have positioned Louisiana to play a significant role in growing the U.S. offshore wind industry. Louisiana’s workforce and expertise can be leveraged to facilitate wind projects in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as support project development across the country. In recognition of this opportunity, state government, the private […]

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Decades of experience in offshore energy have positioned Louisiana to play a significant role in growing the U.S. offshore wind industry. Louisiana’s workforce and expertise can be leveraged to facilitate wind projects in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as support project development across the country. In recognition of this opportunity, state government, the private sector, colleges and universities, economic development organizations, and others are proactively working to prepare Louisiana for the growth of offshore wind and attract new investment to the state. This brief provides insights from a C2ES roundtable held in March 2023 in New Orleans that explored the future of offshore wind in Louisiana. It highlights the state’s existing assets that can equip it to play a unique role in the industry, the needs that must be met to enable that role, and the uncertainties that must be addressed to better define the offshore wind potential in the state.

Policy Recommendations

Maximize the Opportunities of Louisiana’s Existing Assets: Workforce, Ports, Shipping and Vessel Operations, and Manufacturing

  • The state should conduct a study to evaluate transferrable skills in Louisiana’s existing workforce (especially in the oil and gas sector) and how these skills correspond to the skills needed to succeed in the offshore wind industry.
  • Louisiana’s state universities and Community and Technical College System, in collaboration with companies across the offshore wind industry, should create short-term certificate programs that can be ‘stacked’ to provide an alternative to the current higher education system.
  • State and local governments should conduct outreach programs to encourage young people in Louisiana to enter skilled trades, with a focus on marginalized communities.
  • The state should conduct a state-level mapping and strategic planning exercise that maps out the unique advantages and roles each of Louisiana’s ports could play in the offshore wind industry.
  • Congress should provide additional funds through MARAD to support ports making infrastructure improvements specifically to accommodate offshore wind.
  • The state should create an education and outreach program for vessel companies with operations in Louisiana about opportunities in offshore wind industry and ways to get involved.
  • Congress or the U.S. Department of Energy should create a funding opportunity for shipbuilding companies to de-risk early investments into vessel construction, including minimum payments to offset unplanned downtime and/or loan guarantees.
  • The federal government should create grant and loan programs to help offshore wind component manufacturers increase their production capacity, for instance by integrating automated processes into their manufacturing facilities.

Meet the Needs of Louisiana’s Offshore Wind Industry: Create a Long-Term Project Pipeline, Utilize Effective Community Engagement and Benefits Sharing, and De-Risk Supply Chain Investments

  • BOEM should announce forthcoming lease areas on a predictable timeline to reduce uncertainty in the industry.
  • The state, in consultation with the industry, should create accessible outreach materials to educate the general public in Louisiana on offshore wind. These materials should be written in layman’s terms and highlight costs and benefits.
  • BOEM and the state government should work to aggregate information collected from stakeholder engagement exercises conducted by companies pre-leasing to be able to have winning bidders use upon granting of a lease.
  • The Loan Programs Office or Department of Defense should provide loan guarantees or minimum payments for companies engaged in the offshore wind supply chain to de-risk their up-front capital investments.

Address Remaining Uncertainties, Including Planning for End Use, Exploring Environmental Considerations, and Managing for the Gulf of Mexico’s Unique Conditions

  • Louisiana should formalize the 5 GW offshore wind procurement goal by 2030 established in the Climate Action Plan into a procurement target supported by legislation.
  • Louisiana should engage in MISO’s Long-Range Transmission Planning process, with particular emphasis on connecting offshore wind power to users.
  • The Louisiana Public Service Commission should open a docket on offshore wind as soon as possible to consider whether and how to connect new projects that may be built in the Lake Charles lease area.
  • The state should conduct preemptive transmission planning study for offshore wind.
  • Louisiana should work with Texas to create a pool of funds that can support research into wildlife populations in the Gulf of Mexico and strategies to reduce impacts to these populations.
  • State regulations relating to offshore wind development should set best management practices for operations, including setting vessel speeds and wildlife monitoring.
  • NOAA should fund studies to map migratory bird pathways in the Gulf more precisely to support more wildlife-conscious design and deployment.
  • Congress and the Louisiana state legislature should each pass legislation that would direct a dedicated percentage of revenue from Louisiana offshore wind leases in both federal and state waters to coastal restoration efforts.
  • NOAA should fund hurricane studies to map conditions at the level of granularity specific to offshore wind power generation to support design for the Gulf.


Nationally, momentum is accelerating for offshore wind, with more than 40 GW in the pipeline for development by 2040, and commitments across states covering both project procurement and supply chain development. Louisiana has a tremendous opportunity to both develop its own offshore wind projects and supply vessels, components, inputs, and skilled workers to support projects around the country. Across Louisiana, policymakers, communities, local businesses, educational providers, and economic development organizations are excited about the opportunity offshore wind could bring and are preparing for the industry’s growth in the state. The state’s legacy of expertise in offshore energy development, shipbuilding, and manufacturing could allow its companies and workers to lead the nation in developing this nascent industry. However, in order to realize its potential, significant up-front investments are required to prepare the region’s infrastructure, manufacturing capacity, and workforce to accommodate the unique needs of the offshore wind industry. Successfully preparing for offshore wind in Louisiana will necessitate addressing a number of uncertainties, including the need for a long-term project pipeline, as well as a long-term plan to connect power to users in a way that is equitable, efficient, and prescient. With strategic planning and proactive investments, Louisiana can capitalize on several key advantages to be a global leader in the offshore wind industry.

View more from the C2ES Regional Roundtable series here.

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Manufacturing a Decarbonized Future in Southwestern Pennsylvania Thu, 11 May 2023 10:00:43 +0000 Pennsylvania is called the Keystone State for a reason: For centuries, the state—and Southwestern Pennsylvania, in particular—has been critical to producing the energy and goods that helped build the nation, including coal, steel, aluminum, and glass. The heavy industrial and manufacturing activity that once defined the region, however, has since waned, leaving many communities searching […]

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Pennsylvania is called the Keystone State for a reason: For centuries, the state—and Southwestern Pennsylvania, in particular—has been critical to producing the energy and goods that helped build the nation, including coal, steel, aluminum, and glass. The heavy industrial and manufacturing activity that once defined the region, however, has since waned, leaving many communities searching for new economic opportunities that can revitalize their towns, provide local revenue, and sustain workforces. The push to decarbonize the global economy presents an opportunity for Southwestern Pennsylvania to again become a hub for manufacturing, this time of the goods and technologies that will be critical to achieving net-zero economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions. This brief provides insights from a C2ES roundtable held virtually in Southwestern Pennsylvania in October 2022 on this possibility. It explores the potential future for climate-aligned manufacturing in the region, the challenges to realizing that future, and the policies and investments necessary to align the regional economy with full decarbonization.

Policy Recommendations

Attract new climate-aligned manufacturing

  • State government or regional economic development organizations should commission a clean energy supply chain study for Southwestern Pennsylvania to understand existing industry presence, potential growth opportunities, and regional assets that can help attract new, climate-aligned manufacturing to the region.

Develop a stronger Innovation ecosystem

  • Regional economic development organizations, national labs, the private sector, government, and universities should collaborate to create a regional innovation program focused on decarbonizing the manufacturing and industrial sectors.
  • The state should develop a state strategy for innovation that increases funding for Pennsylvania’s innovation programs and seeks to develop innovation hubs throughout the state.

Enhance industrial infrastructure

  • Bolster DCED’s redevelopment playbook program for coal plants, mine lands, industrial sites, and brownfields across the state.

Create a coordinated regional strategic planning for manufacturing

  • State government, economic development organizations, nonprofits, and industry should collaborate to form a regional planning body to advance climate-aligned decarbonized manufacturing in SWPA.

Enhance rural infrastructure and capacity

  • Congress should expand federal resources to support local capacity building and transition planning in rural and energy communities.
  • Congress should codify the Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization and provide funding to expand its services across energy communities impacted by the energy transition.
  • The state or regional organizations should create community-to-community learning networks centered on overcoming economic development challenges.

Decarbonize manufacturing

  • The state should create a state-level ‘Buy Clean’ program to drive markets for low-carbon manufactured products.
  • The state should fund demonstration projects to pilot energy efficiency and fuel switching in a variety of industrial operations.
  • The state should place more emphasis on industrial decarbonization strategies when creating the next state Climate Action Plan.

Bolster renewable energy

  • The state should pass legislation to modernize the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard by bolstering the role for zero- emitting energy sources and aligning it with federal climate goals.
  • The state should commission a study to explore opportunities and challenges to expanding renewable energy generation in SWPA, including identification of sites suit- able for various types of resource development.

Prepare the workforce

  • Training providers, industry, government, and labor unions should expand training and certification opportunities for the clean energy industry in Pennsylvania, including in construction and renewable energy.
  • State government, industry, and workforce development organizations should partner to expand on-the-job training opportunities (e.g., apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships) for young people to gain real-world work experience in the clean energy industry.

Invest in equity and environmental justice

  • The state should create a state-level climate justice initiative that ensures the benefits from climate and clean energy investments in the state reach environmental justice and other marginalized communities.


With a robust history in the manufacturing sector, a skilled workforce, an emphasis on innovation, and ample industrial infrastructure, Southwestern Pennsylvania is well-positioned to become an investment destination for climate-aligned manufacturing. Stakeholders across the region have expressed interest and excitement about attracting such investment, in particular in industries that manufacture technologies and goods critical to the clean energy transition. But while there is high potential in Southwestern Pennsylvania, there are also considerable challenges to overcome to help the region thrive in a net-zero economy. Investments in strategic planning, rural capacity building, renewable energy, industrial decarbonization, environmental justice, and other needs are all required to help Southwestern Pennsylvania compete in a global economy increasingly pushed by the demand for sustainability. Such investments can help revitalize local economies across the region and secure Southwestern Pennsylvania’s long-term prosperity in a fully decarbonized future.

View more from the C2ES Regional Roundtable series here.

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A gust of momentum for offshore wind in Louisiana? Thu, 30 Mar 2023 14:34:57 +0000 The post A gust of momentum for offshore wind in Louisiana? appeared first on Center for Climate and Energy Solutions.

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Decarbonizing Louisiana’s Industrial Sector: Community-Centric Approaches Tue, 14 Mar 2023 08:00:55 +0000 As a state that has long been a hub for difficult-to-decarbonize industries, Louisiana has a particularly challenging path to full decarbonization. At the same time, addressing climate change is imperative in a state that is uniquely vulnerable to climate-fueled sea level rise and extreme weather. Both state leadership and the private sector have invested heavily […]

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As a state that has long been a hub for difficult-to-decarbonize industries, Louisiana has a particularly challenging path to full decarbonization. At the same time, addressing climate change is imperative in a state that is uniquely vulnerable to climate-fueled sea level rise and extreme weather. Both state leadership and the private sector have invested heavily in industrial decarbonization recently, but significant challenges remain. A chief need to address is how those efforts involve and affect the communities that have long been impacted by high-emitting industrial activity in the state, as well as the people who have long been dependent on it.

This brief provides insights from a C2ES roundtable held in May 2022 that explored strategies to decarbonize Louisianian industry in a way that benefits not only the climate, but also the state’s economic competitiveness and the health and prosperity of its residents. It highlights steps needed for Louisiana to decarbonize its industrial sector, the necessity of making communities and workers partners in decarbonization efforts, and processes that can ensure a just, inclusive, and equitable industrial transformation in the state.

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Unlocking Precision Agriculture’s Climate Potential Wed, 14 Dec 2022 16:50:37 +0000 For decades, a precision agriculture (PA) revolution has been ‘just around the corner,’ promising to transform American agriculture. While precision technologies—including variable rate applications, soil sensors, autosteering systems, and others—have significant potential to improve environmental outcomes, they have yet to be adopted at scale in the United States. As momentum grows to decarbonize every sector […]

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For decades, a precision agriculture (PA) revolution has been ‘just around the corner,’ promising to transform American agriculture. While precision technologies—including variable rate applications, soil sensors, autosteering systems, and others—have significant potential to improve environmental outcomes, they have yet to be adopted at scale in the United States. As momentum grows to decarbonize every sector of the economy, PA is again gaining attention, due to its ability to both reduce emissions and enhance carbon sequestration in farmlands. PA technologies can address climate change in multiple ways, including by reducing fuel use, curbing the overapplication of nitrogen fertilizer, reducing product loss and waste, improving production efficiencies, and enabling conservation practices that grow farms’ and ranches’ carbon sink potential.

PA also faces numerous barriers, though, including high upfront costs, less applicability to small and diversified farming operations, lack of broadband connectivity, data privacy concerns, difficulty with interoperability between technologies, and producer skepticism. As a result, the promised PA ‘revolution’ may never be fully realized, although expanding PA adoption even absent industry-wide transformation still offers tangible benefits.

To address barriers and maximize PA’s potential, policymakers should take action in the following key areas:

  • Research, development, and demonstration: To better characterize PA’s climate benefits in various production systems, research needs to be ramped up to strengthen the climate case for PA investments and identify technologies with the highest potential. PA technologies also need to be developed that can be applied to a diversity of farming systems, beyond large-scale, monocultured row crops. In addition, demonstration efforts will be critical to scaling PA by allowing producers to see its impacts firsthand.
  • Enabling support for producers: Multiple PA technologies have high barriers to entry (e.g., broadband requirements, upfront cost), and the abundance of information generated by PA equipment can make it challenging for producers to transform that data into climate-smart decisions. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its partners should address adoption barriers by investing in high-quality broadband and strengthening incentives for PA, while assisting producers to interpret PA data in ways that result in climate benefits.
  • Data considerations: USDA, Congress, the private sector, and producers need to coordinate to address data challenges that can both limit PA adoption and dampen the utility of PA data. This includes addressing concerns with data privacy in the industry and enhancing the interoperability of PA equipment.

By taking action in these key areas, policymakers can help precision agriculture technologies play an important role in maintaining the productivity of American agriculture while delivering benefits for producers, improving environmental outcomes, and enhancing the sector’s role in meeting economy-wide net-zero goals.

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A season of change for U.S. agriculture Mon, 17 Oct 2022 18:41:11 +0000 The post A season of change for U.S. agriculture appeared first on Center for Climate and Energy Solutions.

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In Utah, hydrogen offers promise, but barriers remain Thu, 30 Jun 2022 18:43:37 +0000 The post In Utah, hydrogen offers promise, but barriers remain appeared first on Center for Climate and Energy Solutions.

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Fueling a Low-carbon Future in Utah: The Role of Hydrogen Thu, 30 Jun 2022 18:37:30 +0000 As an energy exporter with significant renewable resources and a strategic location in the west, Utah will be key to accelerating the United States’ energy transition. Recently, the state has garnered international attention for its growing role in the bourgeoning hydrogen industry, with multiple industry-leading projects underway. Barriers remain to deploying hydrogen in a low-carbon […]

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As an energy exporter with significant renewable resources and a strategic location in the west, Utah will be key to accelerating the United States’ energy transition. Recently, the state has garnered international attention for its growing role in the bourgeoning hydrogen industry, with multiple industry-leading projects underway. Barriers remain to deploying hydrogen in a low-carbon future, but Utah has potential to play a leadership role in the hydrogen sector if it can address its own unique barriers. This brief provides insights from a C2ES roundtable held in November 2021 that explored the future of hydrogen in Utah. It highlights the benefits hydrogen can bring to the state, Utah’s unique advantages in the growing hydrogen industry, and the challenges that must be addressed to unlock hydrogen’s decarbonization potential, both in Utah and beyond. 

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Arizona’s future depends on climate action Thu, 10 Feb 2022 19:22:25 +0000 The post Arizona’s future depends on climate action appeared first on Center for Climate and Energy Solutions.

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Investing in Arizona’s Future: Driving Equitable, Low-carbon Economic Growth Thu, 10 Feb 2022 19:14:32 +0000 The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions is hosting a series of regional roundtables to bring together local, state, and federal policymakers; businesses of all sizes; community organizations; leading academics and issue experts; trade associations; investors; and philanthropy. These conversations are meant to elevate the perspectives of a diverse set of stakeholders deeply embedded in […]

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The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions is hosting a series of regional roundtables to bring together local, state, and federal policymakers; businesses of all sizes; community organizations; leading academics and issue experts; trade associations; investors; and philanthropy. These conversations are meant to elevate the perspectives of a diverse set of stakeholders deeply embedded in their communities and uniquely positioned to speak to the needs of their states and regions. They are also meant to create opportunities to integrate local perspectives into state and federal policy contexts and, importantly, identify concrete steps to better align the long-term vitality of these communities with the urgent task of facilitating economy-wide decarbonization. Following the discussion, along with subsequent discussions with key stakeholders, C2ES has compiled a series of policy recommendations for state and federal policymakers to help meet urgent local needs and realize the discrete economic opportunities communities can maximize through the transition to a net-zero economy.

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