Paris Agreement

Options for a Politically-Salient Headline for the Global Goal on Adaptation

The outcome of the Paris Agreement established the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA), not as a quantitative goal but as a shared aspiration. The GGA will be one of the goals against which the global stocktake (GST) will assess collective …

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A Solutions-oriented Approach to the Global Stocktake (Technical Paper)

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Options for a Politically-Salient Headline for the Global Goal on Adaptation (Technical Paper)

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A Solutions Approach to the GST: Interim Technical Paper for Consultation

The Global Stocktake (GST) process and outcome at COP28 must send clear and specific signals as to opportunities for Parties and non-Party stakeholders (NPS) to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and to avoid catastrophic climate change. Both greater …

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Reinvigorating the UN Climate Regime in the wider landscape of climate action

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Blog Post
Knowns and unknowns for loss and damage post COP27
Live Event
C2ES Events at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh
Blog Post
What does the COP26 outcome on Article 6 mean for non-Party stakeholders?
Landscape Analysis of Adaptation Opportunities for Climate Ambition

The first global stocktake (GST) under the Paris Agreement takes place from 2021–23 and serves as the first official checkpoint to assess Parties’ collective progress on climate action. The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) is working closely with …

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Distilling Critical Signals from the Global Stocktake

The first global stocktake (GST) under the Paris Agreement takes place from 2021–23 and serves as the first official checkpoint to assess Parties’ collective progress on climate action. The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) is working closely with …

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