Policy Hub

Lasting climate solutions hinge on innovative policies at all levels – local, state, federal and international. Market-based approaches like carbon pricing are a cornerstone of practical, cost-effective climate policy.

Nat Keohane on the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022


Climate Resilience: Demonstrating the Nexus for Growth


Designing a Meaningful Global Stocktake

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Climate change is a global challenge that requires global solutions. Efforts like the Paris Agreement strengthen confidence that all countries are doing their share, helping each country do even more.

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US Federal

To meet the climate challenge, the United States needs a comprehensive national approach. Well-designed federal policy can cut emissions and strengthen resilience while driving economic growth.

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Room for improvement: Digging into Treasury hydrogen guidance
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Little ways to make big reductions in cement sector emissions
C2ES Comments on CFTC Guidance Regarding the Listing of Voluntary Carbon Credit Derivative Contracts

These comments were submitted to the U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission on February 16, 2024.

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In the absence of stronger federal leadership, many states are enacting their own climate goals and policies. They serve as laboratories, demonstrating what's effective and informing national policy.

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Coordination, leadership, and inclusivity are crucial to building out an EV workforce in Michigan
Billion-Dollar Extreme Weather Events

This map and related materials pertaining to all types of extreme weather can be found here. Last updated January 2024.

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U.S. State Climate Action Plans

33 states have released a climate action plan or are in the process of revising or developing one. This includes 32 states that have released plans and 1 state that is updating its plan. Climate action plans generally include greenhouse …

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City and Local

As centers of population and energy use, cities generate a majority of our climate emissions. Local governments play a critical role in reducing emissions and in making communities resilient to climate change.

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Carbon Pricing

A growing number of jurisdictions are adopting market-based climate policies. By putting a price on carbon, these policies give businesses the incentive to innovate so they can cut emissions at the lowest possible cost.

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